Daddy's and Daughters (Huron Peak)

 Who: Chad and Allie Truby, Pia, Hannah and Me Pasquel

What: Arkansas River Rafting, climbing Huron Peak

Where: Arkansas Valley, BV, Salida, Huron Peak

Why: Daddy/Daughter get away. Because we adore our girls! We love them with all we know! They are our amazing and am so proud of them! Plus, they need quality time with Daddy without Parental Supervision (i.e. Momma).

We rafted the Browns Canyon National Monument portion of the Arkansas River. Class 2-3 rapids, 2-3 hour float!

Huron Peak 14,003'

Total Gain 3500'

6.5 miles RT...however our GPS said more. 

7 hour roundtrip hike.

Was a wonderful weekend with the girls. 

Many highlights to the weekends:

Splashing rapids, rocky canyons, belly laughs, screams, cold water, ice cream, cookies...a lot of them, great campsites, summit!, beautiful mornings, 4WD roads, switchbacks, jolly ranchers, Philbin the Pika, Lacrosse on the peak, relaxation in hammocks, ghost town, spooky cemetery, Pizza, panoramic views, hugs, model walks, Milton's voice, aspens, backcountry, and more belly laughs. I am sure the girls can come up with more...

The truth...what mattered most on this trip is the Daddy/Daughter relationships. Years from now, our girls will remember that we are there. Not just in the mountains...but also at home, in life. From school, to sports, the frustrations, the movies, the hurts, the breakfasts, the pains, the friendships, the heartaches, the letdowns, the excitements, the tears, the joy, the chores, the video games, the mistakes, the achievements, desserts, and on and on and on...

This trip is just fun. Our lives together is complex, rich, and deep. And it starts with us, Dads, choosing everyday to be present...unconditionally loving our girls, meeting them at their feet, serving them daily. 

My prayer, and that our girls know, that we are the best...because we are simply there. Always. 



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